小妞大不同_entering 6m

當媽的一大樂趣就在這裡,藉著停不下來的快門抒發氾濫的愛心,然後貼上部落格自我陶醉一番。啊,半歲的小妞好好玩啊~~~~~~ 〈醺醺然樂陶陶貌〉 this is the fun part of being a mom: click (shutter), paste (on blog), then enjoy (awww... abby~~~). little abby is 6 months old and she is such a joy. 只要能站,就站。loves standing up! 防曬很重要,帽簷還可躲狗仔。sunhat is an essential item while staying under the sun and avoiding paparazzi . 另類的實踐〝我吃香蕉你吃皮〞。dad eats food and abby eats the plate. both are satisfied. 職業笑容很重要,先練起來。professional smiling expression is crucial. 就算有一地的玩具,他還是要媽媽的爛拖鞋。the best toy ever is her mom's slipper. 流汗總比流血好,請愛用全罩式安全帽。safety helmet can protect people from crash. 隨時可以回歸大家閨秀的儀態。killer skill: get back to the lady-like image at any time. 我家小妞好棒。abby is GOOD =)