一家親_entering 10m

前幾個月我曾經控訴我爹娘對我的逼迫,受到廣大讀者飛鴿投書要求我爹娘對我好一點,他們進步很多,現在我們天天上演歡樂一家親: i complained about my awe some ful parents several months ago. many readers have sent their complaints through their owls to our home. my parents read all of them and indeed improved a lot. now we are one super loving family: 無時無刻都要貼臉 passing our love through faces 我陪媽媽偷吃冰箱裡的食物 cleaning fridge with my mom, and eating some cookies at the same time (!) 也陪爸爸玩 gordian's knot playing gordian's knot with my dad, and eating some at the same time (!!!) 他們若是指責我把地墊弄亂 if they dare to complain, like accusing me of messing the play mat 我立刻變身政客,嚴厲否認涉案 i showed my politician's identity and denied everything 如果不管用,就一哭二鬧三見效,屢試不爽 if that doesn't work, crying always does 化戾氣為祥和,世界大頭,多麼平和美麗啊 big head together. how loving is my family! ps 小妞十個月,又搗蛋又可愛,真好玩