我常常覺得我的肚子大得不得了,當然比起臨盆的媽媽們,我還有很大的成長空間,但是明明沙拉油就還這麼小一隻,為什麼我的肚子會這麼大?想了想,我的結論是── 小貓兒一定是住豪宅的命! 小貓兒最近開始在豪宅裡開運動會,尤其是晚上要睡覺的時候,大概是躺平了人也安靜了,沙拉油在我肚子的動靜也特別清晰,他常常踢踢打打大概還來個後空翻吧,媽媽我一邊摸著肚子一邊笑,乾脆打電話給 whyzOO 聊聊天,跟他說〝你女兒在跑操場。〞whyzOO 說, 〝你肚子能有多大?他要跑也是像老鼠跑滾輪吧。〞 明明是老虎,這下變老鼠了......... My belly is so big that I think my daughter is born to live in a luxurious house. Recently, I can clearly feel her moving in my belly, either kicking or punching me. Since she is not that big, it does not hurt, but it is a funny feeling. I told whyzOO about it, and said that our baby is having fun running around in my belly. whyzOO said that next time when we meet, he definitely wants to feel it as well. Our baby is growing =)