想起來 J 媽說 J 姊很好奇我肚子有沒有大起來,來 po 張大肚照。一個人在加州,我家最大的鏡子在浴室裡,所以背景是我家的浴簾跟馬桶,然後那天匆忙拍照沒有擦鏡子...... 真不好意思。
其實三個月肚子就凸出來了,一開始真的很像是吃太飽以後的樣子,稍微一吸氣就可以〝消失〞,這幾個星期越來越消失不了啦,更像很胖很胖的時候又吃太飽的超級大肚子,我的襯衫兒們的鈕扣都要爆開了,現在唯一不會爆開的襯衫就是親愛 whyzOO 幫我買的孕婦襯衫,很好穿。我的牛仔褲都還可以穿,只是肚子上的鈕扣扣不上。
說到這件孕婦襯衫,那天穿去上學,我身邊年輕窈窕的女同學突然跟我說〝你這件襯衫我也有一件耶〞,其實我沒跟他說我懷孕了,聽他這樣講我一直想...... 啊我是要還是不要跟他說咧?
My family are pretty curious about how big my belly is now. Here you go.
My belly started to "rise out" when I am 3-month pregnant. In the beginning, it was the size as I just finished a very big meal. But now it is the size of someone who has a big tummy and just finishes a super big meal. It is so big! And it will grow even bigger!
I took this picture in the bathroom, where the biggest mirror in the house is. That is why you can see the toilet in the back. Also, because I did not clean the mirror ahead, it was quite dirty...... I will take better pictures next time, I promise.
其實三個月肚子就凸出來了,一開始真的很像是吃太飽以後的樣子,稍微一吸氣就可以〝消失〞,這幾個星期越來越消失不了啦,更像很胖很胖的時候又吃太飽的超級大肚子,我的襯衫兒們的鈕扣都要爆開了,現在唯一不會爆開的襯衫就是親愛 whyzOO 幫我買的孕婦襯衫,很好穿。我的牛仔褲都還可以穿,只是肚子上的鈕扣扣不上。
說到這件孕婦襯衫,那天穿去上學,我身邊年輕窈窕的女同學突然跟我說〝你這件襯衫我也有一件耶〞,其實我沒跟他說我懷孕了,聽他這樣講我一直想...... 啊我是要還是不要跟他說咧?
My family are pretty curious about how big my belly is now. Here you go.
My belly started to "rise out" when I am 3-month pregnant. In the beginning, it was the size as I just finished a very big meal. But now it is the size of someone who has a big tummy and just finishes a super big meal. It is so big! And it will grow even bigger!
I took this picture in the bathroom, where the biggest mirror in the house is. That is why you can see the toilet in the back. Also, because I did not clean the mirror ahead, it was quite dirty...... I will take better pictures next time, I promise.