
之前的小杏芙的身高體重等等一直落在 50 分位,媽媽還很高興他是個穠纖合度的小妞。直到六個月的體檢,發現小妞的身高體重都掉到 25 分位,但是頭圍竟然成長到 75 分位,媽媽自己偷笑,小妞啊,這遺傳性的〝大頭症〞,你是躲也躲不掉的啦。
我猜想是小妞運動量大吧,平常六個月的孩子不會爬不會站,但是小妞已經可以扶著東西站著移動幾步,就算一餐可以喝 240cc 還是會消化光光啦。更何況爸媽都不高,也不算太大隻,小妞小小隻也是應該。狐狸醫師稱讚小妞長的很好,也說可以多給小妞一些副食品,奶還是主食。另外媽媽要注意家裡危險的角落,因為小妞會爬了,要小心磕碰、從高處掉下去等等的問題。
到了六個月,真的覺得小妞長大好多。他跟人的互動更多了,常常會看著爸爸或媽媽呵呵笑,要哭也會看著人哭,然後非常黏媽媽,也已經會認生。什麼東西都要拿進嘴裡嚐嚐,也會仔細看看手上的玩具,地墊上的字母常常會被他摳出來玩,看著爸爸拍球,自己拿到球也要小手拍拍。小妞的手不只是會用力抓,也會力道放輕一點摸摸看,這樣媽媽的胸口也就少了點血痕。最近小妞會把嘴巴嘟起來,搞的嘴唇皺皺的,看起來非常逗趣,但平常還是伸著舌頭流口水多。小妞的作息還可以,晚上可以連續睡 10.5-11 個小時,但是白天常常會出槌,比如上床睡個 20 分鐘就起來大哭。小妞到目前還是草食性的,但慢慢會在這兩個月給他一點瘦肉,狐狸醫師說蛋白質也是很重要的喲。
結尾來個媽媽訪問小杏芙吧 (took at shenandoah national park):
i took abby to her pediatrician for 6m check up. she is doing great, though her weight and height dropped to 25% (used to be at 50%). it could be because she is VERY active, and way early on development. the funny thing is that her head circumference (HC) is at 75%. abby indeed is my daughter and inherits a big head!
abby grows up so much and, a lot of times, she behaves as a big girl. she interacts with whyzOO and me way more than before. abby likes to smile while seeing us (cry while we ignoring her, of course). she also likes to put everything into her mouth, including her playmat. one improvement she makes is that she can now touch things gently, instead of always scratching. she can sometimes imitate us a little bit. usually she can sleep through for 11 hours at night, but her naps in the day time are hard to predict. the baby food abby has tried are all veggies and fruits. i will start to give her some lean meat maybe in 1-2 months.
overall speaking, abby is a healthy and happy little kid. as her growing up, whyzOO and i need to be careful as we are the examples which abby might learn from. it is hard, but we need to be very alert, for abby's sake =)
is it a random shake? 她真的有在聽?!