心聲_entering 8m

當別人高唱〝我的家庭真可愛〞,我本人小杏芙只能感嘆人心不古 想知道生長在這個搞笑家庭的苦楚,請聽我娓娓道來.......... now let me, little abby, reveal the bitterness as a child of my aw esome ful parents 有時把我包成一隻紅色小叮噹 some times they made me a red doraemon 有時要我扮演開喜婆婆 other times they made me "the little match girl" 假意要給我糖吃 they pretended to treat me 實際上只為滿足他們記錄的偏執 actually they only wanted to satisfy themselves (paranoid in recording everything) 連睡覺都不放過我 they wouldn't stop even when i was sleeping 給我穿上裙子又說我長的像男生 they made me wear a dress then said that i look more like a boy 看來我要跟著他們一起裝笑維,才能平安長大了 since i cannot change them, maybe i need to join them bye bye my sanity...... ps 我家小妞八個月,學習搞笑技倆中