
i want to train little abby so that she knows not to play with dangerous stuff in the house, for example, the socket. we did cover the socket with a plastic cover, but still i do not want her to touch it at all. therefore, i performed an experiment that i pinched her hand and made a loud sound when she touched the socket cover. hopefully she would relate "touching the socket" to a painful feeling, and in turn stops touching it at all. i did it 3 days straight and little abby always cried and asked for hugs after she was pinched. it seemed that my experiment succeed and i found that little abby did not touch the socket when she passed by it.
yesterday i saw little abby crawling around again. then she stopped in front of the socket and touched it. i was a bit surprised and went to her. after she saw me, she first backed up a little bit, then cried and asked me to hug her. then i realized that little abby did not link "touching the socket" to the painful feeling, but she link "touching the socket when mom is around" to that painful feeling. EXPERIMENT FAILED.
ps 小妞沒有受傷,那個 ok 蹦是去診所打預防針後,護士阿姨貼在小妞腿上止血用的,只是因為很可愛,我乾脆貼在小妞額頭上拍照留念。話說小妞這麼小隻,拿這麼大 ok 蹦貼他的腿幹啥啊?
ReplyDelete其實被插頭電到的機會很低 除非她把兩根手指頭當插頭用 危險也不高(很難致命) 電過一次她就會怕了 反而是要小心她被靜電電到
還 ok 啦