
whyzOO: 女人出門都是假的
J: 〈以為他講假奶還是什麼的〉假的?
whyzOO: 都整理好才會出門,只有老公在家才會看到真面目。你看你,頭髮拉直了怎麼就差這麼多?
i was pulling my hair straight with straightener before leaving for church. whyzoo stood beside me and sighed, "women are all fake when they are outside." i though he was talking about corsets or girdles. then he said, "look at you. you look so different after making your fair straight. women are all different when they are outside. only their husbands can see who they really are."
that's the official complaint from my husband saying me being too sloppy at home.
ps 小妞的睫毛,翹翹~~