baby is fine, mommy is fat_18w


最近其實我很注意自己的體重,也知道晚餐吃適量〈就是吃到夠,但是不用吃到很飽〉會讓隔天早上的體重計可親一點,但是星期三沒吃特別多的情況下,星期四一早突然大增 1 公斤,我揉揉眼睛以為自己看錯了。

其實是沒錯的,今天產檢,3 個星期胖了 4 磅。擰醫師說因為初期我掉了好幾磅,所以現在看來還可以,但是這樣突然的增加的確有點多,一定要〝喝很多水,吃新鮮的蔬菜水果,不要碰油炸品跟甜食,飯跟麵可吃但都要吃少量,多多走路運動〞。很難得看到擰醫師很嚴肅的樣子,不過要讓寶寶長的好但媽媽不要胖也是我的目標,我很乖巧的點點頭仔細聽進去。

不過擰醫師還是很好笑。一走進診間他問我好不好,我說我變胖了,他竟然正經八百的回答我 "that is what happened when you are pregnant." 啊我當然知道啊,親愛的擰醫師...... 結束的時候我跟他說〝我可以跟你拍張照片嗎?因為我先生從來沒看過你耶。〞他笑起來說〝好啊好啊,我今天很紅耶,剛剛有個產婦回診,他說生產那天沒跟我拍照,所以今天也來補拍一張。〞說完很高興的靠到我旁邊拍了張照片。回頭一看,他笑的還真燦爛啊。


ps1 雖說自己擔心體重,但還是放上食物的照片。兩個星期前室友 S 做了泰式綠咖哩,他真的很可愛,還擺盤擺的美美的,端進我的房間給我吃,真是華麗的晚餐啊。

ps2 最近開始寫英文的部分,因為有些這裡的朋友一直希望可以看我的 blog,偏偏我又不是按圖寫字的人,所以小小寫點英文讓她們也可以分享我們的生活。希望破英文不會讓大家眼睛痛啊。

It's time again today for an usual visit to my OB's clinic. I gained 4 pounds in the past 3 weeks. Dr. P said that though overall speaking it's fine, but I still need to be aware of the sudden increase of weight. So again, the regular reminders from him: drink lots of water, eat fresh veggies and fruits, avoid fried stuff and sweets, and walk, walk, walk.

Dr. P was kind of funny today. I told him that I gained weight when he asked me how I was doing, then he answered in a very professional way, "that is what happened when you are pregnant" as if I was not aware of the fact that everyone gains weight during the pregnancy.

I took a picture with Dr. P at the end of my visit today since whyzOO has never met him, and I guess he would be a bit curious how my doctor looks like. I can take another ultrasound next week because we were not able to see the gender of the baby. This time I really need to communicate well with my baby before the visit, "open up, and mommy will buy you clothes, and daddy will buy you toys....."


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