
星期日一群台灣夫婦到其中一對的家中聚會,主人夫妻從交往結婚到現在已經 16 年了,太太溫柔又可愛,先生體貼細心還很會作菜,他的拿手戲是檸檬起司蛋糕跟義式香料麵包,味道好賣相也好,厲害非常。太太說他們交往過程中曾經短暫分手,後來復合就再也沒分開過。回家的路上我們講起這件事情:

J: 要是當時她知道她老公那麼會做蛋糕跟麵包,應該捨不得跟他分手吧?

WhyzOO: 不是誰都像你這麼 cheap,用食物就被買走了,有些人比較昂貴要珠寶首飾甚麼的才行啊。

原來我很 cheap 啊.......

we went to a couple's house on sunday. the host and the hostess just celebrated their 16-year anniversary (not since they got married, but since they dated each other, though). the host is amazing, and his lemon cheese cake is the best we have ever tasted. the hostess said that, during that 16 years, they broke up once and were back together ever since. whyzOO and i talked about this on our way back home:

J: if she knew then that her future husband can bake such wonderful lemon cheese cake, she might not break up with him at all.

whyzOO: you said this because you are CHEAP and can be easily bribed by cheese cake. some people want expensive stuff such as jewelries.

so i found that i was pretty CHEAP on sunday from my dear husband.

ps 小妞 9 個月,米餅不會讓他呵呵笑,是他老爸怪模怪樣教他吃米餅讓他笑得這麼樂。


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